February 2025 Brilliant Bundle
We understand how launching out into a goal, a dream, or a serious endeavor like writing a novel, is well, daunting. You have the fire, the idea, and the characters, but how do you keep going?
(And going...)
As we begin the new year, envision the goals you're making that embrace your values. We can help you hone your skills and achieve your writing goals. Our February 2025 Brilliant Bundle offers a trio of lessons to help with your writing journey.
Let's begin with...
Impactivity: Dream
Discover the adventure of your life and pursue it with passion, balance and joy based on Impactivity, written by Tracy Higley. If you'd like to purchase the book, you can find it here: Impactivity by Tracy Higley.
Creating Characters That Stay with Your Readers
Mastering Story Structure
We say “never give up” on your story. It begins with the external story structure, or what Rachel Hauck likes to call the SPINE of the story. We’re going to show how you can give your story an X-ray to make sure all the bones are lined up properly—and if they aren’t, we’ll show you how to give that plot a little storycrafting adjustment.
Whatever you can do or dream you can, begin it. Boldness has genius, power and magic in it.
~Johann Wolfgang van Goethe
Go! Write something brilliant!
Susie May
Your Instructor